Prayer Requests
Ministry Goals:
- That God would raise of laborers for the harvest!
- Getting our family settled in upon our return to Uganda.
- Working with our Bible translation team to get the Word of God into the Luganda language.
- Moving key personnel in order to make our ministry more efficient and productive.
- Begin once again teaching in our educational ministries - Masaka Baptist College, Tri-Annual Bible Institute, and the Barnabas Baptist Bible Training Center.
- Wisdom in evaluating where to invest resources into helping our men build their permanent structures for there churches.
- Helping each of our men get their marriages right.
Upcoming Special Events:
- Monthly VMAM pastoral leadership training in Kaliro at the Barnabas Baptist Bible Training Center - (every last full week of the month - beginning in May)
- Beginning of First Term of Masaka Baptist College - February 3, 2025
- Retuning to Uganda - March, 2025
- Tri-annual Bible Institute - May 12-16, 2025
Special Requests:
- Family:
- Our oldest son, Shane and his wife, Rachel, as they work on staff as an assistant to Pastor Andrew Stensaas at First Baptist Church of Eaton, OH. Pray that the Lord will help them raise our grandchildren to honor, obey, and glorify the name of Jesus Christ.
- Sally recovering from knee surgery
- Our daughter Shae-Lynn's recovery for surgery on her ribs
- Our son Shiloh's health - diabetes
- Our daughter, Savannah - homeschooling
- Our son, Skyler, as he stays in the States continuing on with Bible College
- Ministry:
- Finances for the printing of Gospel tracts and John & Romans both in Luganda and English
- National Leadership coming out of Masaka Baptist College
- Pray for wisdom for pastors and church leaders in Uganda
- Additional Monthly Ministry Support
Ministry Support
We are very grateful for the prayer and financial support of God's people that help us minister to the Ugandan people. If you would like to support our ministries here in Uganda with monthly financial support or a one-time gift, you may send your donation to one of the options below:
Keith Stensaas (793)
c/o Baptist Int. Mission Inc.
P.O. Box 9
Harrison, TN 37341
Keith Stensaas
c/o Capitol City Baptist Church
Attn. Janet Burdett
1300 Redd Street
Austin, TX 78745
Donate online through PayPal or free through your Zelle Payment Network
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**Please designate your gift as "monthly support" or, if it is a one time gift, earmark it to the ministry you would like it to go to. (i.e. Always Abounding Podcast, Village Mentorship & Assistance Ministry, Bibles, Christmas, etc.)